The Biggest Ponzi Of All Time

The Biggest Ponzi Of All Time 

Impacting All Of Humanity

Many of us have been victims of crypto scams, and yes, they are out there in droves. We’ve all heard the comment, “Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme.” But who is saying this about the cryptocurrency that has earned the right to be the store of value for all cryptos and labeled “Digital Gold”? 

The statement is a falsehood that’s knowingly propagated by bankers and unknowingly spread by ignorant, no coiners. It’s being used as a ruse to deflect from one of the biggest and longest-running Ponzi schemes of all time. A system so fundamentally flawed that it’s flabbergasting to see that it exists to this day.  

I am, of course, talking about the fiat money system—a proverbial house of cards, where billions of sheeple seek cover. With the assistance and research conducted by Coin Bureau, we look at the matrix equivalent of the monetary red pill, and by the end of this article, you will never be able to look at that money in your wallet in the same way again.

The Inception Of Paper Money

Let’s start with a bit of a refresher course on Fiat money. Most people associate the cash in their pockets and bank accounts as Fiat money. But in reality, the concept is much broader than that. 

Money is a concept that has been around for hundreds of years. Paper money first started being issued in 1697 by the Bank of England. US dollar started hitting the scene in 1792 per the coinage act.  Before this, coins made from gold and silver were used as the monetary medium in society.

However, with the introduction of paper money, these Banks could issue bills that were easier to denominate, store and spend. They were a lot easier to be used as money. However, you always had one key thing with this centrally issued money; some reserves backed it. This was termed the convertibility of money.

You could theoretically exchange those dollars in your hand for a certain quantity of some precious metal. In most cases, this was gold. This is where the term the gold standard originated. It created a certain level of confidence among those that held it that there was particular value behind it. The money in your hands and that which was in your bank had intrinsic value. Not only that, but strict adherence to the gold standard would limit the potential for damaging inflation. 

Of course, the gold standard’s most significant advantages can be seen by some as disadvantages. This is because the money supply in the system is naturally limited by the amount of gold kept in reserves. Strict adherence to the standard can even lead to deflation which is also damaging to the economy. 

Owning Gold Deemed Illegal

The convertibility of gold was a pressing issue for FDR during the Great Depression as it limited the money supply. He issued an executive order which made owning gold illegal and required everyone to convert it into US dollars. 

He did this to set a government price for that gold that was quite inflated. This would then allow the Federal Reserve to inflate its balance sheet by over 70%. So yes, the gold standard was not ideal for these governments, but at least it kept them in check. It marked a certain degree of confidence in the value of money and, when applied correctly, could prevent hyperinflation. 

The Bretton Woods Agreement

So confident were the countries in the virtues of the gold standard that in 1944, forty-four countries signed on to what was called the Bretton Woods Agreement. Within the Bretton Woods system, all national currencies were valued in relation to the US dollar. This, therefore, made the US dollar the dominant reserve currency. The dollar, in turn, was convertible to gold at a fixed rate of $35 per ounce. So you can think of it as a quasi-gold standard still backed by gold, but indirectly. 

The Bretton Woods system had a pretty decent run until 1971. It was then that Richard Nixon committed his first impeachable offense. Nixon's termination of the convertibility of USD into gold should have sunk him before Watergate. This is because Nixon set the wheels in motion for the current Fiat money system that we know today, a glorified confidence game backed by nothing. So what exactly happened? 

Fiat, No Gold, No Intrinsic Value

In August of 1971, Nixon said that the US would “suspend temporarily the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets, except in amounts and conditions determined to be in the interest of monetary stability and in the best interests of the United States.” 

Well, it turns out that that temporary suspension became permanent, and it ended any sort of Illusion that the US dollar and, by extension, 43 other currencies were backed by gold. In fact, the US dollar was backed by nothing.

From then on, money only had value because the Federal Reserve and the US government said it did. It was a piece of paper that people agreed between themselves had a specific value. It's also no coincidence that after we saw this abandonment of a form of monetary tether, we had an inflation of the monetary base. This then led to the periods of high inflation in the late 1970s and early ‘80s. 

Fiat Money Doesn’t Exist

So now we know that Fiat money does not have any intrinsic value and that it's all one big confidence game where we the people have to believe the government's promises. But the really shocking thing about this, though, is that most of the money in circulation does not actually exist. 

So what do I mean by that? To understand it better, we have to look at how money makes its way through the system. The primary method of which is Fractional Reserve Banking. This calls for a bit of an overview.

What if I told you that the money you think you have in the bank is not actually there. You see, this money has been lent out to many of the bank's other customers. And banks are allowed to do this because of the fractional reserve system. 

You give your money to the bank for safekeeping, and they turn around and use it for their own purposes. They only have to keep a certain amount of deposits related to the loans they’ve issued out. This is termed rehypothecation, and it's not only restricted to banks. It's also used by other Financial entities, such as Brokers, etc. 

In this situation, the banks are hoping that only a tiny proportion of their users will withdraw. Hence, they keep a small buffer of deposits in this case. Now, I know what you're thinking. This is incredibly risky. What happens if all the depositors come and request their money all at once? Well, then you get what is termed a bank run. And it is precisely as the name would suggest. 

When all people rush to withdraw their funds at once, the bank has a liquidity crunch, and they cannot pay out the depositors. Rumors mainly cause bank runs. If people hear that a particular bank is facing a liquidity crunch, they will rush to withdraw their funds which, of course, feeds the rumor. It's pretty scary. A bank can have no underlying issues, but the mere talk that it’s short on funds could cause everyone to withdraw simultaneously, making it a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

All Banks Are Susceptible To Bank Runs

What is disturbing about bank runs is that every single bank is susceptible. It's not only those short of liquidity but also those in a relatively strong position. All you need is one picture of a line outside a bank, and it drives the panic. Bank runs were typical during the Great Depression. People heard about one bank facing a run, so they naturally tried to rush to their bank to withdraw their funds, thereby leading to panic further.

Here's a fun fact; The bank runs prompted the formation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or FDIC. 

The federal government believed that if they guaranteed a certain amount of deposits, people would feel comfortable. While this brought stability for run-of-the-mill bank runs, you need to understand that FDIC only ensures up to 250,000 dollars in deposits. Those with balances above are still at risk of a loss. 

Many may argue that 2008 was a high-tech version of a bank-run. Financial institutions started withdrawing their deposits at highly leveraged investment banks, which led to a massive liquidity crunch. Furthermore, bank runs still take place quite regularly in other countries around the world. 

In 2008 the UK had a retail bank run on Northern Rock. Then there was the Eurozone crisis in the 2010s where bank runs plagued countries like Greece and Cyprus, so much so that the government had to limit the number of Euros that people could withdraw from the ATMs – only 60 Euros per day. 

Imagine that; you've placed your life savings in a bank account, and now you're looking to withdraw it, and the bank limits you to a measly 60 Euros a day. However, it's not like the government had a choice, as there was no more liquidity in the system. The European Central Bank decided not to further increase its Emergency Liquidity Assistance for Greek banks; they had to introduce capital control.

The Greek government was forced to immediately close Greek banks for almost 20 days, implementing controls on bank transfers from Greek banks to foreign banks and limits on cash withdrawals, to avoid an uncontrolled bank run and a complete collapse of the Greek banking system. All of this happened because the banks were built on a precarious system of fractional reserves. That’s one aspect, but it’s not the worst thing about fractional reserve banking. 

Fractional Reserve Banking

Fractional reserve banking plays a fundamental role in the multiplication of money. This reserve ratio is not determined by the Banks but by the Fed or equivalent Central Bank. It's the minimum amount of deposits they must hold in liquid securities to meet their obligations. This stock of money kept in near-term deposits is generally referred to as the M1 money supply. 

But here is where things get interesting. The M1 money supply is the money that includes coins and notes in circulation, along with other money equivalents that can easily be converted. Because the banks are allowed to lend out money to their customers, they can increase the broader money supply to many multiples of the actual money that's in the system. 

So, for example, if the reserve requirement is 5%, only 5% of the bank balance sheet should be held in this liquid money. The other 95% can be loaned out, so that means that the bank can lend out 20 times the amount of money that's kept on its balance sheet. 

This is called the multiplier effect of money and means that the broader money in the economy can be many multiples of the money that actually exists in the bank. You can think of it as a leveraged trade in a crypto position. The one difference is if things go belly up, you won't be the only one getting absolutely rekt.

This broader definition of money is termed the M2 and M3 money supply. And to give you an idea of just how much this inflates the outstanding money supply, the image below shows the M2 and M3 money supply compared to M1. The first bar shown (M1) is the only one that is actual tangible money. This was back in 2001. 

The graph below illustrates the evolution of the M1 and M2 money supply over the past few years.

It would seem that the person who drew up the graph ascertained the fact that M2 inflation mainly benefits Wall Street. Notice the spike illustrated at the top in the red box? That’s the Covid pandemic and it had a massive impact on the broader money supply. 

So why did this happen? Was it because the FED printed a lot more money? Well, yes, that is the slight uptick we see in the M1 money supply indicated at the bottom. However, this massive explosion of the M2 money supply shown above is a combination of another Factor.

You see, central banks can use the reserve requirement to impact the broader money supply. It's one of the three tools at their disposal—the other two being the federal funds rate and open market operations: bond purchases, etc. 

All the Fed needs to do to increase that money supply with the reserve ratio is lower it. This means that the money multiplier is higher the more it is injected into the economy and vice versa to contract the money supply.  

Pre-pandemic, these reserve requirements varied according to the number of net transaction accounts at the bank in question. The reserve ratio itself ranged from 3% to 10% for many years. This made sure that banks had reserves that were broadly in line with their activity. Those viewed as riskier had to hold more funds and were more restricted in effectively creating money.

However, along came the global pandemic, and that reserve ratio requirement went out of the window. On the 26th of March in 2020, the Fed dropped the reserve ratio to 0% for all banks. In other words, they eliminated any need for reserves at all. 

Now banks are not required to keep reserves to meet withdrawal requests. They can effectively loan out as much money as they want into the economy, thereby radically inflating the M2 money supply. Combine this with an insane amount of base money being printed over at the Fed, and you have that explosion in the M2 money supply. 

The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

Fun fact; Almost a fifth of all US money supply in existence was created in 10 months last year. Difficult to comprehend, right? In the entire 107-year history of the Fed printing money, all of that was printed in less than a year. That’s insane! And given that the vast majority of that is M2, it is effectively money printed out of thin air.  

Sound far-fetched? Well, how about we hear it from the horse's mouth. Here is a snippet from the infamous 60 minutes interview with Neel Kashkari, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. This is what he had to say, 

And they're not even trying to hide it. There is an unlimited amount of money that the Fed can print. They're flooding the system with money printed out of thin air. It looked as if he had a bit of an honest moment and spilled the beans. 

Let’s listen to what Jay Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve system, had to say in his 60 Minutes interview, 

So he openly admits to flooding the system with money, almost as if to say, “I can't keep this charade up anymore. You got me.” So now the lid’s been blown off this caper, the jig is up. 
However, once free money and easy credit are out there, it's pretty hard to rein them back in, at least without some economic damage. 

Also, leaving all that funny money in the system is risky because it can lead to some pretty crazy inflation levels. This is especially the case in a post covid world where an excess money supply is chasing limited goods.

For many of us, it’s becoming increasingly clear we really only use fiat money out of necessity.  And some most definitely do not park it in a bank account because they know the bank will lend it out. So how do you secure your wealth these days?

Bitcoin, The Store Of Value Fiat Wishes It Was

An ever-increasing switched-on community suggests cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is the store of value that fiat wishes it was. There are so many reasons for this, starting with the most obvious of all. Bitcoin is limited in supply. There are only ever going to be 21 million Bitcoins mined. This is a protocol-defined limit that cannot be adjusted. 

Bitcoin and prominent Altcoins are governed by code. There is no single individual or even a group of individuals that can change their limit. They also cannot change the rate at which cryptocurrency is mined. 

In the case of Bitcoin, block rewards are also protocol-defined. 6.25 Bitcoin is mined per block every 10 minutes. This block reward number also decreases at every halving event. The most recent of which was May of 2020. There's no funny business going on here. It's just that simple. 

Moreover, when you keep crypto in your own wallet, what you're effectively doing is becoming your own bank. You are the only person who can unlock your assets with your private key. 

This is quite the opposite of the example mentioned earlier with money in the bank. The bank owns those funds, and the bank does whatever it wants to with that money. It even lends it out and inflates the money supply because, well, it can!

Another reason why many prefer cryptocurrency is that it is fully transparent and immutable. That means not only can we observe the actual state of the ledger, but no entity can reverse transactions or seize your coins.

Bitcoin is the granddaddy of the crypto industry, and arguably, there’s no other asset that's a better store of value out there. Although, some people may be asking, “what about gold? There was a gold standard for a reason.” Well, the Gold versus Bitcoin discussion is an entire topic in itself. Coin Bureau goes into detail in this video.

There is a growing community thrilled to be holding their wealth in Bitcoin and many other strong Altcoins. If anyone held fiat or gold post the covid crash, it would seem they would be in a far worse position than crypto enthusiasts are right now. 

The only thing worse than the fiat money system is fractional reserve banking. The fiat system led to the creation of valueless money, and fractional reserve banking led to the uncontrolled expansion of it. What's even more concerning is that most people you speak to have no idea how money is made. All of these people use this money without having a clue as to how inherently unstable it is. 

Not only that, but they store their savings in it. They keep money in bank accounts that don't have the funds to support it. All you need is one liquidity crunch to cause a panic: a panic, which can lead to a devastating bank run. If that doesn't show people how unstable fiat is, I don't know what will. 

Steadfast Crypto Communities Delivering Economic Sovereignty Will Prevail

Actual savings requires holding money in a way that keeps pace with inflation, or even better – beats out inflation and cost of living. So there is salvation; it's the honey badger of money, the antifragile store of value that's limited in supply, censorship-resistant, and immutable. 

Strong communities exponentially growing and committed to true liberty and economic independence will succeed in creating financial ecosystems withstanding the oppressive laws and executive orders that are deemed legal only because of the current powers that be say so. It is the most significant fraud that impacts the global population of all time.   

The crypto industry has over ten years under its belt now. It is a thing, and with innovative technology rapidly increasing that will outsmart the antiquated oligarchal system. We’re beyond the hype. Cryptocurrencies are officially part of our global financial system with El Salvador being the first country to accept Bitcoin as legal tender. 





The role of the crypto community for the success of marketing promotions

The role of the crypto community for the success of marketing promotions

Unlike the process of writing code, the creation of a crypto community is difficult to imagine as an algorithm. The community is a living phenomenon, the construction of which requires an understanding of human desires rather than formulas and codes. Over the past years many crypto projects have attracted huge investments. Often people believe that the main thing is technology (a more perfect blockchain, a new algorithm for reaching consensus), and that they are the key to the success of a new cryptocurrency.

This focus on technology and product quality is in line with Silicon Valley’s favorite mantra — “If you build it, he will come.” This tactic can lead to success, but I think the most important foundation of any new project is the activity of the community that supports it. The mantra “If you build openly, they will help you” would be more suitable for the creators of new crypto projects

When it comes to starting a traditional company, the interests of end users and shareholders do not always coincide. Users want a good product, while shareholders think more about good leadership, fair distribution of bonuses, and most importantly, sales results. Success can be achieved by focusing on creating an attractive product for users. Then the company will succeed, even with problems with leadership, distribution of rewards and performance. But the consumer, as a rule, does not care about who created the company, how many shares belong to the key participants in the project, how property rights are, and how the management makes decisions and implements them. The cryptocurrency market is unique in that users and shareholders are often the same people.

As a rule, hodlers of crypto assets attach great importance to property rights, management and project performance, since the profitability of their investments depends on these factors. Given that cryptocurrency is based on open source and low marketing costs, the success of a cryptocurrency is largely determined by the size of its community. An illustrative example: the bitcoin blockchain has undergone at least 98 forks, but its investment attractiveness is still high: the market capitalization of bitcoin remains at $100 billion, and all its other forks are at $10 billion. It is the Bitcoin community that makes it so attractive. The strength and size of the community determines the value of a cryptocurrency. There is no guaranteed success formula in building a strong cryptocurrency community, but there are certain fundamental principles that have proven to be effective:

The creators of the project must be open and honest.

From the very beginning of project development, founders should consider the interests of users, treat them with respect and be open to dialogue. This approach is very effective in building a strong community of cryptocurrency users.

· Distributed property rights and a clear distribution system

Ownership and community power are inextricably linked. People tend to stick close to those who share their views. At the same time, we are wary of closed communities, in which bonuses are distributed among members of the management and are not always available to others.

· Lucky meme

Practice shows that a successful meme serves as an incredibly effective means of promoting a new project and developing its community. All 10 cryptocurrencies with the maximum market cap use powerful memes: Bitcoin (digital gold), Ether (innovation platform), Ripple (interbank payments), Bitcoin Cash (scalable payment network), EOS (innovative next generation platform), Stellar (interbank payment next generation system), Litecoin (digital silver), Tether (stablecoin), Cardano (innovative next generation platform) and Monero (confidential payment system).

· A useful tool that becomes the standard

While strengthening the community early should not be neglected, there is no doubt that the practical application of the new currency is also extremely important. Bitcoin originated as a ledger for storing data on the ownership of assets and their transactions. Ether as a platform for creating open source financial applications. However, the Bitcoin and Ether communities have raised the bar so high that it will not be easy for even the best products to compete with them. Success in this struggle can only be achieved by creating not only a better product, but also a better community with a more effective management system.

Most of the marketing tools for crypto projects come from traditional digital businesses. In the world of cryptocurrencies, traditional marketing solutions have changed: they have adapted to a high volatility market and an overheated community. The cryptocurrency “boom” was strong — in 2017/2018, the “crypto community” included not only crypto enthusiasts, but thousands of newcomers. Many of the marketing tools in these conditions turned out to be more effective than others, since they formed the opinion of the crypto community and were useful for marketing crypto and blockchain projects. What really worked and what is the crypto community still paying attention to?

· White Papers

This is a big document for potential investors. Contains a detailed presentation of the project, the essence of the problem and how the project solves it, a description of the technical part, legal, roadmap, financial model and much more. This is the “face” of a blockchain project, by which investors determine its relevance and potential profitability.

White paper has become an important part of your content strategy today. It can be a visual business plan, it can contain information about a solution to a specific problem, or it can present information of interest to investors or potential partners, for example, a part of a business plan (or meet the requirements of the regulator).

White paper can also serve as a basis for any promotional materials: one pager for presentations, pitch deck for meetings with investors, articles, reviews.

· Community Management

It is about creating and managing communities united by interest in a brand or product. It works for the loyalty of the target audience and, in general, for the credibility of the project. Communities are an important point of contact with your audience. The rates are jumping, bitcoins are falling, so working with the negative is very important. Moreover, sometimes the situation is heated up on purpose — by competitors or fraudsters. In general, it is never boring. Knowledge of psychology in the matter of building and managing a community is only a plus. Both startups and large brands need working with the community. It is there that the most sworn enemies and the most loyal customers can appear. Your image in the eyes of clients will largely depend on how much attention you pay to this area. Hidden Marketing is widespread in working with the community — correction of opinions, change of attitude towards a product, dissemination of information about it. It is especially noticeable in politics — remember the “troll factories”. But this does not mean that it is not used for commercial purposes, it is just that the “trolls” work very rudely and are not too concerned with conspiracy.

It’s no secret that the shopping process has changed significantly over the years. Today, before making a purchase decision, people search for information themselves, read reviews and study recommendations. And online communities are starting to play an important role in this process. Building a community around a startup is arguably the cheapest way to increase conversions. A full-fledged community will bring much more value than a one-time ad campaign. There are practically infinite number of platforms for community management: any communication service is a player in this market, and their demand is determined by many factors. Depending on the purpose, you can choose: telegram, wechat etc

Another solution is the community’s own platform. This site is brand-owned and offers all the benefits of social media, but with much more control and flexibility. This could be a blog / website with a forum or a comment section. Own communities also have advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that, in terms of the audience, you are starting from scratch. Native communities give you more freedom, but you have to do a lot more promotion work before your community grows. One of the main benefits of native community platforms is that they give you tighter control over your branding — without having to compete with other communities on the same platform. Community platforms also enable you to overcome the limitations of social media. Features such as deeper analytics, single sign-on (SSO), gamification, and custom design allow you to create a better experience for your fans. Why do you need a community:

  1. Creating a community is useful, because modern customers want to receive feedback, to understand why a brand offers this or that thing or service, what values ​​it is based on.
  2.  To build a successful community, reach out to your audience on social media. Think over a motto that is close to customers, offer useful information, and study your audience: what kind of people they are, what their interests are, where they go, how they live.
  3. It is important to develop a community not only online, but also offline. Events help people feel connected, unite and build brand loyalty. It is not the size of the community that matters, but the level of its loyalty and activity
  4. Attract influencers with an active audience.
  5. The community cannot develop on monotonous content by itself. Do not leave the community without leadership, develop new events, projects

Crypto business and projects have presented many interesting approaches to marketing. The cryptocurrency boom has set specific goals for marketing:

  • increasing confidence in the project “from ever beginning g”
  • building a solid community
  • information transparency
  • work with investors and influencers.

And all this — for specific audiences in various countries, each of which has its own national characteristics. Many of the best practices of cryptocurrency marketing can be successfully applied to other projects that have nothing to do with blockchain. Community building or face-to-face meetings with investors can be effective for almost any business. Less familiar tools can also be useful: the practice of preparing White Paper, is a common part of content strategy in the USA and England, especially in B2B; or a Bounty campaign that can significantly reduce promotion budgets. In addition to paid channels for promoting and creating crypto communities for certain projects, there are several ways with minimal costs that will help to start the community’s interest in the project’s products at the first stage. What are these ways:

· Creation of thematic groups and attraction of users to them. We create several groups for free and invite friends and like-minded people to them. If you regularly publish interesting information, then word of mouth radio will work with a bang. The promotion of your group will grow exponentially.

· Mutual subscription, likes and following. There are many users on social networks with fake accounts who are ready to give you likes, tweets and classes. And you will mutually have to like them. But you need to understand that this should be done only at first, in order to create the appearance of a promoted page or group. This is not the target audience, if you stop following each other, they will disappear.

· Search and participate in competitive groups and communities. If you find groups of your topic, on which there is a live audience, you can take part in its life, while periodically referring in comments and discussions to your page or group

Crypto communities are also pushing the evolution of organizations further as people are experimenting with different organizational models and governance structures. The industry is accelerating innovation in many ways, not just in terms of technology. Today big companies put all their resources and research in 'entrepreneurs' and try to create an environment of innovation. Big companies should instead look at how innovation is being done in the blockchain space, where people come together spontaneously to solve complex problems together and build businesses of the future. In this way, crypto communities aren’t just important to the crypto industry. They are also starting to influence how the entire world operates, creating a model for how diverse voices can turn new, and innovative ideas into tangible outcomes which benefit everyone.

The best aspect of crypto communities is that most have low/no barriers of entry and provide a clear path for anyone to get involved and gain experience. Because of blockchain technology, these projects have become like startups that can crowdsource funding. It is capitalism & free markets in their purest forms, without governmental red tape, regulation, and restrictions. This new system is what makes it possible for projects to reach fulfill their potential.

Built in anticipation and preperation of the launching of our coin

Thomas Prendergast


Ivermectin Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective

Facts vs Agendas



Discovered in the late-1970s, the pioneering drug ivermectin, a dihydro derivative of avermectin—originating solely from a single microorganism isolated at the Kitasato Intitute, Tokyo, Japan from Japanese soil—has had an immeasurably beneficial impact in improving the lives and welfare of billions of people throughout the world. Originally introduced as a veterinary drug, it kills a wide range of internal and external parasites in commercial livestock and companion animals. It was quickly discovered to be ideal in combating two of the world’s most devastating and disfiguring diseases which have plagued the world’s poor throughout the tropics for centuries. It is now being used free-of-charge as the sole tool in campaigns to eliminate both diseases globally. It has also been used to successfully overcome several other human diseases and new uses for it are continually being found. This paper looks in depth at the events surrounding ivermectin’s passage from being a huge success in Animal Health into its widespread use in humans, a development which has led many to describe it as a “wonder” drug.


There are few drugs that can seriously lay claim to the title of ‘Wonder drug’, penicillin and aspirin being two that have perhaps had greatest beneficial impact on the health and wellbeing of Mankind. But ivermectin can also be considered alongside those worthy contenders, based on its versatility, safety and the beneficial impact that it has had, and continues to have, worldwide—especially on hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people. Several extensive reports, including reviews authored by us, have been published detailing the events behind the discovery, development and commercialization of the avermectins and ivermectin (22,23-dihydroavermectin B), as well as the donation of ivermectin and its use in combating Onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis.16) However, none have concentrated in detail on the interacting sequence of events involved in the passage of the drug into human use.

When it first appeared in the late-1970s, ivermectin, a derivative of avermectin (Fig. â€‹(Fig.1 )1 ) was a truly revolutionary drug, unprecedented in many ways. It was the world’s first endectocide, forerunner of a completely new class of antiparasitic agents, potently active against a wide range of internal and external nematodes and arthropods. In the early-1970s, a novel international Public Sector–Private Sector partnership was initiated by one of us (Ōmura, then head of the Antibiotics Research Group at Tokyo’s Kitasato Institute), forming a collaboration with the US-based Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD) pharmaceutical company. Under the terms of the research agreement, researchers at the Kitasato Institute isolated organisms from soil samples and carried out preliminary in vitro evaluation of their bioactivity. Promising bioactive samples were then sent to the MSD laboratories for further in vivo testing where a potent and promising novel bioactivity was found, subsequently identified as being caused by a new compound, which was named ‘avermectin’.7) Despite decades of searching around the world, the Japanese microorganism remains the only source of avermectin ever found.1) Originating from a single Japanese soil sample and the outcome of the innovative, international collaborative research partnership to find new antiparasitics, the extremely safe and more effective avermectin derivative, ivermectin, was initially introduced as a commercial product for Animal Health in 1981. It is effective against a wide range of parasites, including gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, mites, lice and hornflies.712) Ivermectin is also highly effective against ticks, for example, the ixodid tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilusmicroplus, one of the most important cattle parasites in the tropics and subtropics, which causes enormous economic damage. Indicative of the impact, in Brazil, where some 80% of the bovine herd is infested, losses total about $2 billion annually.13) Today, ivermectin is being used to treat billions of livestock and pets around the world, helping to boost production of food and leather products, as well as keep billions of companion animals, particularly dogs and horses, healthy. The ‘Blockbuster’ drug in the Animal Health sector, meaning that it achieved annual sales in excess of over US$1 billion, maintained that status for over 20 years. It is so useful and adaptable that it is also being used off-label, sometimes, illegally, for example to treat fish lice in the aquaculture industry, where it can have a negative impact on non-target organisms. It also has extensive uses in agriculture.2)

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is pjab-87-013-g001.jpg

Figure 1.

Molecular diagrams of avermectin and the di-hydro derivative, ivermectin.

Ivermectin proved to be even more of a ‘Wonder drug’ in human health, improving the nutrition, general health and wellbeing of billions of people worldwide ever since it was first used to treat Onchocerciasis in humans in 1988. It proved ideal in many ways, being highly effective and broad-spectrum, safe, well tolerated and could be easily administered (a single, annual oral dose). It is used to treat a variety of internal nematode infections, including Onchocerciasis, Strongyloidiasis, Ascariasis, cutaneous larva migrans, filariases, Gnathostomiasis and Trichuriasis, as well as for oral treatment of ectoparasitic infections, such as Pediculosis (lice infestation) and scabies (mite infestation).14) Ivermectin is the essential mainstay of two global disease elimination campaigns that should soon rid the world of two of its most disfiguring and devastating diseases, Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic filariasis, which blight the lives of billions of the poor and disadvantaged throughout the tropics. It is likely that, throughout the next decade, well over 200 million people will be taking the drug annually or semi-annually, via innovative globally-coordinated Mass Drug Administration (MDA) programmes. Indeed, the discovery, development and deployment of ivermectin, produced by an unprecedented partnership between the Private Sector pharmaceutical multinational Merck & Co. Inc., and the Public Sector Kitasato Institute in Tokyo, aided by an extraordinary coalition of multidisciplinary international partners and disease-affected communities, has been recognized by many experts and observers as one of the greatest medical accomplishments of the 20th century.15) In referring to the international efforts to tackle Onchocerciasis in which ivermectin is now the sole control tool, the UNESCO World Science Report concluded, “the progress that has been made in combating the disease represents one of the most triumphant public health campaigns ever waged in the developing world”.16)

You can read the rest of the article here:

Do not let political agendas blind you from the truth.



Shitcoins vs Crypto Scams What’s The Difference?

Shitcoins vs Crypto Scams. What’s The Difference? 

There are many types of scams society has fallen victim to that have been around for decades. Charity scams, insurance scams, et al. are all too common, and they are more rampant than ever now we have the internet. And as technology emerges, anyone can simply create a crypto token which opens a pandora’s box of newly defined crypto chaos. 

The cryptocurrency market has exploded since the inception of Bitcoin, with 1000s of alternative coins now listed on various exchanges. Many have earned the respect of the crypto community by applying actual use-cases with developing technologies. While prominent cryptocurrency coins display transparency, genuine utility and serve a purpose for a decentralized application or an associated blockchain, many altcoins hold no real value. 

These coins are referred to as shitcoins and have no discernable purpose, and they are often targeted towards less experienced people in an effort to exploit them. The term shitcoin is commonly used for a copy or clone of another well-known crypto, or it can be a brand new project. It’s very much based on personal opinion. 

But are all shitcoins crypto scams? Not necessarily. There are inconspicuous scams out there orchestrated by greedy evil-doers hiding behind the guise of benevolence and charity and taking advantage of the crypto craze and people’s naivety of the nascent crypto industry. I’ll touch on that later with an example. 

Importantly, any crypto with no meaningful purpose and often no genuine demand for the coin, whatever value it may generate depends on pure speculation and is considered a precarious investment. Shitcoins are digital currencies that people believe to be valuable simply because they exist. Centered around hype and shills, they are very prone to pump and dumps and rarely recover. 

The crypto projects that rely on paid shills to pump their coin or token should be viewed with immense suspicion. Why should they feel the need to create an artificial perception of demand? Does that mean that there is no genuine organic interest in the project?

On a side note; If you’re not familiar with the terminology in this article relating to the crypto industry, here is a  breakdown of the most common crypto lingo.

How Easy Is It To Identify A Shitcoin?

It is often easy to identify a shitcoin because many follow a specific pattern. When a shitcoin is first launched, the token may attract some interest, but its price remains relatively low. The low price attracts newbie investors naively thinking they’ve invested in the “next Bitcoin,” further validated by a high-profile influencer backing it for whatever reason.

As interest peaks and investors jump in, prices spike quickly. This is almost always followed by the price tanking. The sharp fall in price is caused by investors selling their coins to profit from short-term gains. Usually, these pump and dump schemes are dominated by only a few “insiders” who really know the price dynamics and know when to sell to profit. The process is often associated with shitcoins and can leave many retail investors stuck with worthless tokens.

What Is The Most Obvious Sign?

The most obvious sign of a shitcoin is a lack of a well-defined function. 

Bitcoin was built for a decentralized payment network where financial transactions are secure, trustless, and censorship-resistant. It is now classed as the store of value for cryptocurrencies.

Ether, the coin native to the Ethereum blockchain, is used to validate transactions and secure the network. 

Binance Coin, the token native to the Binance Exchange, reduces fees on the Binance platform and powers the associated Binance Chain blockchain.

ADA, the native coin to the Cardano blockchain, is used to further develop applications, Defi, smart contracts, scalability, and interoperability. 

Hivecoin, Markethive’s native currency, is used to power a decentralized social media and multi-dimensional marketing platform, sovereign from the social media and tech oligopoly.   

Shitcoins do not have such clearly defined purposes.

Discerning a shitcoin is more straightforward when looking into the background development and associated project (if one exists). 

  • Is the project a copy of an already-known cryptocurrency platform? 
  • Does the project have an associated whitepaper? 
  • Is the whitepaper copied from a different project? 
  • Does the whitepaper reveal in-depth details on the technical implementation? Or is it just hyped up with promises and emotive images?
  • Is there a clearly defined and credible road map?
  • Is it raising money through an ICO based on the promise of a good return but lacking product, demo, or code? 

If there are contentious answers to any of these questions, the cryptocurrency could well be a shitcoin. A whitepaper is intended to be the technical details behind a project. It is not supposed to be an easy read. When a whitepaper is overly visual and lacks technical solutions, consider that a red flag. 

Numerous examples of projects have developed a cryptocurrency for something that really did not need one at all. Let’s not forget that the future value of a utility token will come from its actual use.

Three Widely Known Shitcoins

Although subjective, here are some of the more well-known shitcoins within the cryptocurrency market:

Dogecoin (DOGE). This meme-based cryptocurrency was designed around a comical picture of a Shiba Inu dog called Doge. The coin was initially created as a joke. Much of the coin's popularity has been the result of influencer encouragement and hype.

Shibu Inu (SHIB). Following Dogecoin's success, SHIB was developed as a token simply named after the Shiba Inu dog breed. It serves no purpose and is not associated with any blockchain or decentralized application. The maximum supply of tokens was set at one quadrillion.

Safemoon (SAFEMOON). Safemoon is a Ponzi-inspired coin that punishes holders for selling. Holders are charged an additional fee by the network when they sell, which is distributed to other holders. 

As I previously mentioned, it is so easy to generate a token for any reason. This video shows you what to do, or should I say what not to do, for the sake of the future of crypto and for humanity. 

The presenter also gives you his take on Safemoon and its ICO, which may be why certain authorities have outlawed ICO’s. Initial Coin Offerings are predominantly unregulated and have been the vehicle for scams and fraud. Consequently, the SEC has deemed them as securities and restricts unaccredited investors from participating. 

Crypto Scams Can Be Difficult To Recognize 

With technology, many projects can look legitimate at face value, so it’s easy to fall for their narrative as many unsuspecting people have done only to find they’ve been scammed with no recourse. 

Crypto scams have sky-rocketed, and it doesn’t help when popular social media influencers get involved claiming to be ambassadors for the cause. Playing on people’s emotions and goodwill makes the charity sector a sitting duck for crypto scams. 

One such example was the “Save The Kids” project, and unfortunately, many didn’t see the red flags and were fooled into investing their hard-earned money into this scam. There are many scams out there, but this one takes the cake for me. The video below explains it all.   


There is a critical shortage of quality information about cryptocurrency, with only a handful of proven experts that can explain cryptocurrency and how it genuinely works in simple terms. There are millions of people desperate for more information to benefit from this developing industry which gives the opportunists a platform and immense power to shill and cook up crypto scams that can last for months or years. 

Scammers and shills take advantage of this narrow flow of information, purporting to be crypto gurus, and mislead or fool people looking for answers with their narrative, which by enlarge is speculative, even erroneous.  

Shitcoins are risky investments that most cryptocurrency enthusiasts should avoid. For investors who love risk and know what they’re doing, shitcoins may present an opportunity to make somewhat large but short-term profits. 

And outright scams? Well, tread very carefully. Do your research before committing. Who is behind the project? Are they credible? Have they been involved in any questionable projects in the past? How long have they been involved in the blockchain space? 

With experience comes knowledge and wisdom. As the saying goes, “Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice; shame on me." 







Written by: 

Ginger Hanks Harwood

June 7, 2018

In 1630, Puritans left England with a charter for a new colony in Massachusetts, their new home in a new world where they could structure society in accordance to their view of God’s revealed plan for social conduct and religious worship. Before they left their ship, the Arbella, future governor John Winthrop articulated to the assembled passengers a vision for their project in the “New World.” Borrowing Christ’s phrase from the parable of Salt and Light in Jesus's Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:14), Winthrop declared, “We shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us,” affirming their commitment to model righteous living. Their colony would be a beacon of light, “a Modell of Christian Charity,” guiding the rest of Europe into progress towards true religion as outlined by reformer John Calvin.

When Winthrop asserted that the Divine Hand of Providence had predestined a unique role for their enterprise, one that eventually would be projected onto the American endeavor as a whole, he laid the foundations for what has been called American exceptionalism. In this view, America is different and even morally superior to other nations. America’s Christian (Protestant) beginnings, reflected in its national rhetoric and values, its God-given mandate to transform the world, and the establishment of a republic as the system of government, all helped colonists to perceive their polity as superior to that of the corrupt European countries and the barbaric heathen nations of the world. As time passed, the American Revolution and the Constitution were often added as evidence as to its uniqueness and moral superiority over other nations, as they inaugurated a system designed to protect liberty, egalitarianism, democracy, and capitalism (or free-enterprise). Further, Americans prided themselves on religious freedom, instituted during a period when other nations were characterized by state religions that forced individuals to acknowledge, attend, and support the official church regardless of personal consciences and convictions. Further, certain groups of Christians believed that these characteristics opened the door for American Christians to facilitate the return of Jesus Christ.

Indeed, this belief in the special role of America in God’s plan for the world, and God’s support and endorsement for her activities (evidenced by her victories and increasing size and power), evolved into an expectation that Americans would have an unquestioned allegiance to the theory of America’s manifest destiny to rule the continent and intervene in (regulate) the affairs of the world. Ministers' sermons promoted patriotism and used biblical imagery to inspire their parishioners to participate in military campaigns against peoples or nations that they depicted as evil or pagan, needing to be brought under the control of God and the virtuous government of the United States. Nationalism acquired the cloak of religious sanction, as God’s will and national power were perceived as two sides of a single coin. National political and economic interests shaped Christian corporate ethics instead of the teachings of Christ being the standard by which the nation’s activities were judged. The belief that God had placed leaders in the positions they occupied and guided their actions, as well as the supposition that He championed American supremacy, created a Christian duty to support the state, uphold its laws, and participate in its wars.  In short, the belief in America’s special place in history, its moral virtue and superiority, its destiny to be the world leader and arbiter, and the generalized notion that America was the new Israel (the center of God’s interest and blessing) led many Christians to support the economic and political endeavors of the nation without question.

It was within this cradle of Christian Republicanism, with its view of American moral superiority and godliness, that the pioneers of the Adventist Church gave the loud cry announcing the nearness of Christ’s return, lived through the Great Disappointment of the failed prophecy, and then returned to the Bible to search for understanding of their experiences. Christ’s parables provided an identification of their temporal location as “the tarrying time,” while the book of Revelation served as a guide for interpreting their social experiences. What they saw in its central chapters simultaneously explained the treatment they had received in their churches and permanently separated their interpretations of Revelation from those of the majority of churches.

By 1851, Adventist leaders were identifying the beast of Revelation 13:11 as America. At that time, neither the size nor the influence of the young nation created an obvious link between the United States and that beast, characterized by tremendous power, might, and oppression. America was a nation under God, distinctive in its gentle and restrained form of government and God’s special election. Few could see that the United States was the beast with “two horns like a lamb” who “spoke like a dragon,” and eventually would cause the inhabitants of the earth to “worship the first beast,” long identified by Protestant Reformers as the Roman Catholic Church. For most Christians, as the United States was a Protestant nation with provisions for religious freedom and restrictions prohibiting the creation of a national church, America’s national history, religious sympathies, and Constitution excluded it from consideration as the beast of Revelation 13:11.

Perhaps it was Adventists’ early experiences with the religious intolerance within their churches (manifested in the excommunication, ridicule, and even persecution of “Millerites”) that gave them a different perspective on the nature of America’s vaunted system of freedom of religion. When they had tried to explore ideas that challenged set beliefs, they had met rigid resistance based on established doctrines, creeds, traditions, and practices. Continued church affiliation was shown to be contingent on relinquishing the Christian obligation to continue to study Scripture, looking and ready to embrace new light as it was given through the Holy Spirit, and conform all social and religious practices to the teachings of Christ.

Having endured intolerance themselves, this made them more sensitive and sympathetic to past cases of religious persecution in America’s past. They noted the experience of the Quakers whom the Puritans condemned to death. The sanctions applied by the churches revealed that, at its core, American Protestantism manifested the worst aspects of Roman Catholicism: they demanded that believers accept the creeds established by their denomination rather than to decide for themselves what the Bible teaches, adhere to “man-made traditions,” deny the role of the Holy Spirit and submit individual conscience to church doctrine and praxis. Most damning was Protestantism’s application of “deadly” sanctions to those who would not comply.

The abolitionist roots of many of these early leaders (including Josiah Litch, Joseph Bates, John Byington, George Storrs, John P. Kellogg, and others) had given them another glimpse into the gulf between the Christian churches and Christ’s message of inclusive love. They had witnessed the struggle to try to secure the support of the various denominations to the abolitionist cause, and the refusal of denominational leaders to commit their churches to an anti-slavery stance. Various ministers and bishops had closed their church doors to anti-slavery presentations, and occasionally disciplined members who participated in the movement. Adventists could not recognize the protection of slavery as an institution or the personal possession of enslaved human beings as compatible with true Christianity.

Joseph Bates, the third great force behind the founding of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, expressed strong sentiments in his analysis of America: its future was being sealed by its acts of aggression against other nations in its determination to retain and expand slavery and in pursuit of its “manifest destiny” to govern the continent from sea to sea. After the Mexican-America War, Bates published a book that, in response to the widespread celebration of the U.S. victory, asked pointed questions and answered them sharply:

What means these illuminated cities, roaring of canons, pealing of bells and exalting throughout the land? … It is the nations Te Deum in honor of the mighty victory obtained by our gallant murderers, for they would be considered such, in every case, until they were licensed by the rulers and chosen by the people. What have they done? Why they have killed and murdered thousands more of their neighbors… and by last accounts they were ravaging, pillaging, and devastating all that is pleasant to the eye before them…. What caused this mighty uproar? Why, out of about 7,000,000 slaves in the Christian world, we of this continent can boast having about 6,000,000 of them.

In 1848, he declared that, “A third woe has come upon this nation, this boasted land of liberty; this heaven-daring, soul-destroying, slave-holding, neighbor-murdering country.”

As Adventists carefully pondered the description of the “beast that rose out of the earth,” they were increasingly convinced that the passage could only point the United States. The beast with “two horns” (biblical symbols for power) was depicted as appearing like a lamb, the very symbol of innocence. In reality, its lamb-like self-descriptions as Christian and Republican were contradicted by its actions. As J.N. Andrews noted in his 1851 Review article, “Thoughts on Revelation XIII and XIV:”  

No civil power could ever compare with Republicanism in its lamb-like character. The grand principle recognized by this form of power, is thus expressed: “All men are born free and equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights, as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Hence, all have a right to participate in making the laws, and in designating who will execute them. Was there ever a development of civil power so lamb-like before? And what, in religious life, can be compared with Protestantism? Its leading sentiment is the distinct recognition of the right of private judgment in matters of conscience. “The Bible is the only religion of Protestants.” Was there ever in the religious world any thing equal to this in its lamb-like professions? Thus we consider the meaning of the “two horns like a lamb.”

Andrews’ article continued on to consider the phrase “And he spoke like a dragon,” noting that one’s speech proceeds from one’s heart, and reveals the underlying spirit. Information that the new beast would “exhibit all the tyranny of the first beast” further supported his point. He provided two strong proofs for his argument that the United States was the prophesied beast:

Let us examine If “all men are born free and equal,” how do we then hold three millions of slaves in bondage? Why is it that the Negro race are reduced to the rank of chattel personal and bought and sold like brute beasts? If the right of private judgment be allowed, why them are men expelled from these religious bodies for no greater crime than that of attempting to obey God in some thing wherein the word of God may not be in accordance with their creed? … Why are men for no other crime than that of looking for the coming of Jesus Christ, expelled from the churches of those who profess to love his appearing?

Clearly, the United States was lamb-like only in its pretensions and surface appearance. Andrews’ article made it plain that he expected the nature of the beast to become more apparent as time wore on and the United States increased in power. Faithful believers who committed themselves to following God’s laws could expect trouble, persecution, and even death for those who resisted religious laws as well as civil statutes, as there could be no doubt as to the churches’ coercive tendencies:

[The churches] are all upheld by the laws of the land. That they are oppressive when possessed of civil power, let the case be of the Puritans, themselves fugitives from oppression, bear testimony. Witness their persecution of the Quakers, even unto death. Witness also the martyrdom of Michael Servetus under the sanction of John Calvin.

His analysis of the nation’s character was seconded by Uriah Smith, who advised readers of the Review to see the true nature of their supposedly gentle nation as it persisted in demonstrating its dragon-like core: “Look at the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution; and then look at slavery, look at the religious intolerance, the corruption and oppression existing throughout this land.”

In 1857, John Loughborough repeated much of Andrews’ evaluation of the nation in a series of articles on the two-horned beast. Loughborough’s critique added the example of the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act to the list of proofs of the nation’s innately dragon-like character. He pointed out that the law violated his Christian conscience and provided hardship penalties (a $1,000.00 fine) if he remained true to his convictions and aided slaves who were reclaiming their liberty. His article made a very compelling point when he directed his readers’ attention to the Christian role in maintaining slavery: “Protestants and Republicans, both unitedly and separately, speak as a dragon. Who are Republicans? To a greater or lesser extent, they are Protestants. Protestants aid in making and carrying out laws that hold men in bondage.” Further, his article provided statistics documenting the number of slaves held by clergymen, the numbers of slaves held by Christians in each of the major church bodies, and castigated the churches in the North where slavery was outlawed for continued fellowship with slave-holding brethren in the South.

While James White claimed in his 1857 article, The Nation, that the Review had taught that the United States was the beast of Revelation 13 for ten years, and added “and that slavery is pointed out in the prophetic word as the darkest and most condemning sin upon this nation,” by 1859 the paper had advanced to advocating civil disobedience when the government enacted laws that were contrary to God’s principles and precepts. An article titled, “What Laws we should Obey,” maintained the eternal and binding nature of God’s laws and that “no human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this.” It concluded with the declaration that: “[M]en may legislate for Sunday-keeping, for the rendition of fugitive slaves, or anything else conflicting with the requirements of God; but we cannot mistake our duty.” In the years that followed, Adventists continued to develop the argument that American practices and policies, which were generally supported by Christian pulpits, revealed the growing power of the dragon that lurked in America’s soul. The near genocide of Native Americans, the exploitative treatment of the Chinese, and Protestant willingness to take up arms rather than follow the example of the Prince of Peace, and the organized efforts to pass a national Sunday Law, were cited as further evidence that America was in fact a lion in lamb’s clothing.

These early Adventists were clear that being called out from Babylon entailed leaving the safety and security of conforming to established traditions, creeds, social and cultural conventions, and even breaking human laws that did not reflect God’s law. They understood that they put themselves at risk when they did conform to or support the oppressive aspects of America’s policies and they recognized that prioritizing God’s laws could result in severe penalties. The alternative, however, was missing out on eternal life in God’s presence.

They did not expect to see an age of peace and prosperity appearing as America grew in power, prestige, and affluence. Nor did they anticipate that the election of individuals whom they labeled “nominal Christians” to leadership positions would bring forth a state that followed in the footsteps of Christ. They acknowledged that churches endorsed and participated in the sinful national practices, and reached for power to enforce on others their creeds and traditions in violation to God’s laws of love and freedom. They rejected popular arguments that the wars America waged would open the door to Protestant missionaries who could lead the various populaces to eternal salvation. Adventists countered with the argument that to participate in the violent conquests of others (even for evangelistic purposes) ran counter to the explicit instructions of Christ. Further, toward the end of the nineteenth century, Percy Megan challenged the “evangelism through conquest” proponents with the question of how heathens who presently were resistant to the Gospel would be more open to it after Christians had murdered their husbands, sons, and brothers.

Instead of being caught up in nationalistic enthusiasm, Adventists remained cautious toward the future of the nation and the world as the United States gained international authority, increased its control over the economic functions of the nations, and acquired the might to enforce its will at home and abroad. Aware of the underlying spirit that had found its home in America, they were not subject to the hubris of the nation, not deceived concerning the gap between its claims to be Christian and the reality of its oppressive practices. They adopted a sectarian stance, committed to conformity to the biblical instructions to “love thy neighbor as thyself.”

A lot has changed in the years of the twentieth and now twenty-first centuries, but the warnings found in Revelation still remain pertinent. It is still vital to live out an unwavering allegiance to God, realizing that this may bring disfavor and even negative sanctions as one follows Scriptural injunctions to be inclusive in our love. Faithfulness to the call to be a true “son” of God (one who reflects His image by modeling his inclusive love) sometimes means breaking with social conventions and even national laws. It still means not being caught up in the nationalistic impulse which would encourage us to put the welfare of America above the well-being of the rest of the world. It means denying America’s claims to be pure, innocent, and “Christian,” while telling the truth about the underside of America’s practices: its willingness to oppress religious groups and races that it sees as a threat to its goals, to deny equal rights and respect to minority groups, to pursue wealth at the expense of the poor and vulnerable both at home and abroad, deport undocumented immigrants back to certain death in their countries of origin, as well as many other sins. We must still recognize that the nation’s vaunted Christianity and Republicanism will not restrain its punitive response to defiance of its policies.

Finally, the vast majority of American churches at the denominational level, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, are still joining hands in an effort to force their systems of belief on the nation through the changing of laws. They preach that the financial setbacks, natural disasters, and various tragic events America has recently suffered are God sent as punishments for departing from Bible law. They teach that the heavy hand of God’s discipline will not be removed until the laws of the nation are consistent with God’s laws, as they perceive them to be, and enforced.

Increasingly well-organized, many Christian evangelicals and fundamentalists (sometimes referred to as maximalists or Christian Reconstructionists to express their goal to create a nation whose laws and practices completely reflect those of Scripture), fund and support politicians whom they believe will introduce their theology into civil law and enforce it. They embrace American military endeavors as part of God’s program to bring Christian order to the world, celebrating individuals such as Sergeant Alvin York, who devoted his trigger finger to God and became a noted sniper.

According to Jeff Sharlet in a 2006 article in Harper’s Magazine, who attended a sermon and interviewed the pastors at the Danbury Baptist Church, the preaching pastor emphatically pronounced the warning that America is going to experience a shift from a mothering church (characterized by maternal nurturing and comforting) to a church that acts from the model of fatherhood, the principle of correction and disciplinary actions. According to pastor Rusty, “America is too far gone to be redeemed by mercy alone. It is the father church’s time.” Pastor Rusty outlined the fatherhood model as an Old Testament vision of God the judge and enforcer of his law, visiting individuals and nations with suffering to bring repentance. For him, court decisions like Brown v Board of Education and Roe v Wade were examples of America defying sacred instructions for how to live.

In a private conversation with Sharlet, the pastor confided that, “We may need another 9/11 to bring about a full spiritual revival.” Maximalist Christians endeavor to elect Christians who share that vision to political offices where they can restructure national laws. What he envisions happening when the right Christian politicians are placed in key governmental positions was implied in his sermon earlier when he announced, “The symbol of the state is a sword. Not a spoon feeding the poor, not a teaching instrument to educate our young. And the sword is an instrument of death.” He imagines a time when well-placed individuals will make laws that forbid actions that are outside of Old Testament injunctions and assign costly penalties to anyone who transgresses them. His projects coincide nicely with the early Adventists’ understanding of the eventual action of “the beast that arose out of the earth.

The recent contributions of evangelicals and conservative Christians to the election of Donald Trump illustrates their well-organized campaign to place politicians that they believe will be responsive to the “Christian agenda” in governmental positions. Whether or not one supports his vision for making America great again and the policies he promotes, his election testifies to the political power of this bloc of Christians. It serves as a good reason to review what the Adventist pioneers discovered in their investigations of Revelation 13 and 14 and their perspective on American realities. Perhaps we need to follow in their footsteps and make a commitment to living out our calling as messengers of God’s love, recognizing that our first, and final, allegiance is to God, not the nation.


Written by Ginger Hanks Harwood, Ph.D. from La Sierra University (retired).


PRESS RELEASE: CEO Of Markethive Now The CTO

The Divine mission of Markethive, the blockchain-driven social market network, conceptualized by the architect and founder Thomas Prendergast forges ahead. In preparation for the coming wallet, the entire engineering department has been reorganized.

SHERIDAN, Wyo. – Sept. 10, 2021CEO and Founder of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast, announced today he has officially taken on the role of Chief Technology Officer.

Mr. Prendergast stated that "the decision for this direction was of significant importance to ensuring expediency and efficiency. Markethive’s priority and focus are on streamlining its task force of prominent engineers to enable fluent and speedier communication, thereby increasing productivity”

Thomas Prendergast also said that he had "embraced the responsibilities of the CTO position in keeping with the Divine vision of Markethive. The action will expedite plans for the release of the wallet and exchange”. 

Annette Schwindt, Co-founder and System Analyst of Markethive, stated,

“Markethive has been in operation as a social media and inbound marketing platform since 2015. The company is a strong advocate for the self-sovereignty of its members. With the advent of blockchain, Markethive scaled up its operations to integrate distributed ledger technology and its native cryptocurrency in 2018. It has since relocated to sovereign servers, away from AWS and Cloudflare, creating an autonomous ecosystem for all entrepreneurs.”

“Another political development has clearly put Markethive into prominence,” Thomas Prendergast added.” and that is it has become clear that the elite and the Biden administration particularly, have unveiled their attacks on the small business and entrepreneurs and the crypto industry. This attack is increasing in intensity and occurring globally. Markethive’s part in this is to ensure our members the right to not only publish on our platform unfettered but to experience the massive ability for your posts to be broadcast across the entire planet”.

 Annette further exclaimed, “We have built Markethive for just a time like this!”


Thomas Prendergast CEO





Markethive’s Divine Mission And Vision Statement – 2021

The Divine mission of Markethive, the blockchain-driven social market network, was developed to fill the vacuum for the world's entrepreneurs. 

In an era where entrepreneurs are coming under fire and free speech is threatened, the Markethive system of powerful broadcasting and marketing tools was developed for entrepreneurs to give them a solid platform to build their sovereignty and freedom.

In Markethive, your posts aren’t deleted; they’re broadcasted.

Markethive’s commitment is to uplift our expansive community and bring forth the entrepreneurial spirit within each individual. Integrity, transparency, freedom of speech, privacy, and autonomy are inherent in our code of ethics. 

Markethive aims to continue at the forefront of emerging technology, delivering a decentralized and dynamic ecosystem, enhancing the experience of all users. (UX)

Markethive’s Divine Vision is to empower and enrich the lives of every individual and humanity on every level across the globe.


Welcome to Markethive


